Profesor doctor inginer
Cabinet: G103
Tel: 0251 - 435.724/130
e-mail: eugen.iancu@automation.ucv.ro
Eugen Iancu
Departamentul de Automatica, Electronica si MecatronicaCabinet: G103
Tel: 0251 - 435.724/130
e-mail: eugen.iancu@automation.ucv.ro
Mr. Eugen-Petrisor Iancu is a Professor Ph.D. at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics. Fields of competence:
- Diagnosis and monitoring of automated systems,
- Data transmission theory,
- Modeling and simulation of physiological systems.
He is currently teaching at the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics the following courses:
- Data transmission (license)
- Decision and estimation in processing information (license)
- Techniques for diagnosis and decision (license)
- Systems and communication networks (master)
- Medical Information Systems (Masters)
- Data transmission theory
- Fault detection and location. Analytical redundancy.
- Automatic monitoring and diagnosis of patients.
- Digital circuit for adding the two frequencies, patent no. 99660/1987
- Digital circuit for the lower number of two frequencies, patent no. 99662/1987
He has participated in the accomplishing of over 30 national and international projects as a director or researcher. He is the author or co-author of over:
- 90 scientifical papers presented at international conferences
- 40 scientifical papers presented at national conferences
- 13 scientifical papers published in international issues with redactional refferences and editorial boarding
- 28 scientifical papers published in national issues
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE Control Systems Society. Starting with February 1st 2004 he is vice-chairman at The Control Systems Society Chapter (CS023) as a part of IEEE Romania Section.
- Romanian Society of Automation and Technical Informatics - SRAIT
- Romanian Robotics Society - SRR
- Tel. and fax: 0251438198
- E-mail: Eugen.Iancu[at]automation[.]ucv[.]ro
- www.ace.ucv.ro