
Start your career!
Compania ADIENT prezinta proiectul Start your career!, miercuri 15.03.2017, ora 14:00 in Aula AK1. Detalii suplimentare aici.
SALEIE project completed
SALEIE project – Strategic Alignment of Electrical and Information Engineering in European Higher Education institutions - sets out to explore and provide models for ways in which Higher Education Institutions of Europe in the Electrical and Information Engineering disciplines can respond to current challenges. SALEIE project objectives were
Proiect POSDRU ID 133020 - Consiliere si plasamente practica
Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare şi Electronică este partener în cadrul proiectului multi-regional POSDRU ID 133020 Creşterea capacităţii de integrare pe piaţa muncii a studenţilor şi absolvenţilor prin consiliere şi plasamente practice. Acest proiect are ca scop consolidarea unui cadru performant de susține
Proiectul HYDICO
Project title in English: Digital and Hybrid Control Techniques of the Converters for Controlled Drives. Project title in Romanian : Tehnici de Comandă Numerică şi Hibridă a Convertizoarelor pentru Acţionări Reglabile. Acronym: HYDICO No. of Participants: 3 University of Craiova, ICMET SA Craiova, CESI Automation Craiova P
Invata Automatica - practica si vizita de lucru
În cadrul proiectului „Învaţă Automatica”, contract POSDRU/90/2.1/S/64051, se desfăşoară activităţile de practică ale studenţilor la firmele partenere de practică. În luna iunie se vor efectuat stagii de practică de către 37 de studenţi din anii II şi IV Automatică şi Informatică Aplicată, la firme de
AIESEC Academy 2013
Are you passionate about IT or Engineering? We have the perfect project for you. AIESEC Academy is a national project for students, based on delivery of theoretical and practical knowledge on these 2 topics. This project is supporting young people in their professional development through training, workshops and internships of several weeks in AI
Pirelli - Imagining the future
Pirelli is launching a new programme open to students from all over the world, which aims at gathering ideas about their values for the future. Each student can apply through a dedicated Facebook App and send its own contribution till February 1st 2013. After that, an international jury will choose the 10 most outstanding contributions and the 10 s
Eye in the Sky
Grupul TeamNet organizeaza o competitie la nivel national prin care ii sprijina pe studentii si masteranzii in ani terminali sa realizeze partea de cercetare a lucrarilor lor de diploma prin utilizarea unor avioane fara pilot cu care pot culege datele de care au nevoie pentru partea lor de cercetare. Mai multe detalii aici.
IT Six Academy Program
The IT SIX Academy Program is a comprehensive, complementary training program which provides students with the technology and process knowledge essential in larger software projects. The Academy's mission is to complete the knowledge built during University classes with more advanced concepts, design patterns, best practices and personal abilit