SALEIE project completed
SALEIE project – Strategic Alignment of Electrical and Information Engineering in European Higher Education institutions - sets out to explore and provide models for ways in which Higher Education Institutions of Europe in the Electrical and Information Engineering disciplines can respond to current challenges.
SALEIE project objectives were to produce:
- Model programme and module curricula in the current global technical challenge subjects;
- Support for students with disabilities during their study and when wishing to undertake periods of study abroad through ERASMUS exchanges, for example;
- Models for maximising accessibility of programmes to all learners.
Project website: http://www.saleie.co.uk
Project coordinator: Anthony Ward, University of York, UK
University of Craiova, Romania, was partner in this project and coordinated WP5 through Dorian Cojocaru.
Coordinator of University of Craiova: Dorin Popescu, Faculty of Automation, Computers and
Period: 1.10.2012 – 31.12.2015
Project leaflet here.