
Studenții noștri in străinătate

Studentii nostri in strainatate

Știri@UCV 01.07.2011

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Welcome to ICSTCC 2011 The Joint International Conference STCC 2011 aims at bringing together under a unique forum, scientists from Academia and Industry to discuss the state of the art and the new trends in System Theory, Control and Computer Engineering.  SINTES15

Știri@UCV 30.06.2011

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Master Sisteme de Conducere in Robotica

Rezultatele obtinute de absolventi pot fi consultate on-line aici

Evenimente@UCV 22.06.2011

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Master Ingineria Calculatoarelor (ICC/CCE)

Rezultatele obtinute de absolventi pot fi consultate on-line aici

Evenimente@UCV 20.06.2011

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Licee partenere

Colegiul National Carol I, Craiova -  http://www.cnc.ro/ Colegiul National Elena Cuza, Craiova -  http://www.elenacuza.ro/site/index.php/ Colegiul National Fratii Buzesti, Craiova -  http://www.cnfb.ro/ Colegiul National Nicolae Titulescu, Craiova   Colegiul National Stefan Velovan, Craiova  http://www.cnfb.ro/ Colegi

Știri@UCV 30.07.2010

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Romania are nevoie din nou de ingineri!

Companiile din industria bunurilor de larg consum, sectorul auto si metalurgie continua angajarile anul viitor. Muncitorii calificați si specialistii, mai ales cei de nisa, au sanse foarte mari Românii cu meserii calificate vor fi la mare cautare în 2011, mai ales cei din industria bunurilor de larg consum, sectorul auto, inclusiv prod

Știri@UCV 04.07.2010

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Embedded Software Tester - Hella

Location: Craiova or Timisoara Responsibilities : Estimate, track and plan tasks within international teams; Create test specification for software components of automotive systems; Test the software components and validate the developed systems; Ensure quality processes, as requested by automotive systems. Requirements : University studies

Oferte@UCV 00.00.0000

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Embedded Software Developer - Hella

Location: Craiova or Timisoara Responsibilities : Estimate, plan and track tasks within international teams; Create specifications and design software components for automotive systems; Implement and test software components, validate developed systems; Ensure quality processes, as requested by automotive standards. Requirements : Univer

Oferte@UCV 00.00.0000

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Mathematical modeling expert

IT Six Global Services is a global technology and outsourcing company,committed to deliver innovation through software services, having the headquarters in Craiova, Romania. IT Six has a job opening for mathematical modeling of complex state systems expertise, modeling business problems on a high level using algebraic modeling and problem solving

Oferte@UCV 00.00.0000

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