Year 2017 Volume 14 (41) no. 2
Smart House, Evaluation of Current Knowledge in the Field (pp. 1 - 13)
Nabeel Shaway Shyaa Al-Atwan*, Mircea Nițulescu**
*Faculty of Engineering Technology,
Southern Technical University Basra, Iraq (e-mail: nabeelshaway at yahoo.in)
**Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics,
University of Craiova, Romania (e-mail: nitulescu at robotics.ucv.ro)
This paper presents the results of the bibliographic exploration that has been made in this research direction. Although relatively new, the scientific subject of the smart house (or intelligent home) benefits from several scientific reports published so far. It falls within the general field of Internet of things (IoT). The bibliographic study allows to highlight the more significant reported results but also to define future and immediate research directions. In the second part of the paper are re-viewed some hardware elements in the market, first of all representative sensors and data com-munications modules and secondly some protocols and open source applications which can be in-tegrated into a smart house control system based on a microcontrollers network.
Smart house, Intelligent home, Knowledge assessment, Sensors, Intelligent control.
Mechanical Systems from Automotive Industry: Modelling and Simulation of Trailer Systems (pp. 14 - 19)
Maria-Geanina Unguritu*, Teodor-Constantin Nichițelea*
*Department of Automatic Control and Electronics, University of Craiova
Craiova, Romania (e-mail: geany_unguritu at yahoo.com, teodornichitelea at outlook.com).
This paper presents the modelling of car trailer systems through the analytical method, using the mathematical equations of the laws of physics which describe the process behavior. The simulation of the system was done using MATLAB/Simulink and dSPACE hardware interfaces for real-time environment.
car-trailer system, speed, acceleration, mathematical modelling, real-time simulation
DC Motor Modelling Using Bluetooth Wireless Technology (pp. 20 - 25)
Teodor-Constantin Nichițelea*, Maria-Geanina Unguritu*
*Department of Automatic Control and Electronics, University of Craiova
Craiova, Romania (e-mail: teodornichitelea at outlook.com, geany_unguritu at yahoo.com).
This paper presents the modelling of a DC motor through empirical identification method using wireless technology communication such as Bluetooth. The Bluetooth module is connected to a microcontroller which sends data regarding the speed of the motor to a MATLAB interface. Based on the data, the DC motor is modelled and simulated within MATLAB/Simulink.
DC motor modelling, empirical identification, MATLAB/Simulink simulation
Summary of bread production and review of new methods for estimating process parameters (pp. 26 - 33)
Bogdan Popa*, Dan Popescu*
*Department of Automation and Electronics, University of Craiova
Craiova, Romania (e-mail: bogdan at automation.ucv.ro; dpopescu at automation.ucv.ro).
Nowadays the signal processing offers a good theoretical start in the field of industrial processes. This area can give a good feedback of the process and also offers a real time image of the entire production flow. This article presents a study on the engines systems in a grinding wheat system and also the possibility of connection of all the mechanical and electrical parts of the system. Another perspective of the article offers a view over the entire grinding process and also to the possibility of monitoring the engines and offers quick intervention possibilities. First part of this study is related to the grain analysis lab and the updated grinding system on a local producer and how the new technologies can influence factors such as consumption, the life of the machines and also provides better overall performance for the whole system. The second part refers to the software system used for this process and to the real time measurements and the improvements on the power factors. The last part of the article presents an integrated proposal all flow processes, starting to the grinding flow to the finite products. This article can offer a new perspective in the efficiency of the production and also in the production costs.
Signal processing, Power factor, Grinding systems, Industrial data management
SAP from design and implementation to a university course. A case study. (pp. 34 - 40)
Viorel Costin Banța* , Dorian Cojocaru*
*Mechatronics and Robotics Department, University of Craiova
Craiova, Romania (e-mail: bantaviorel at gmail.com)
This paper refers to how to adapt an integrated ERP - SAP system, from installation, configuration and commissioning, to teaching as a teaching material, after an adapted curriculum for the university environment. The growing pressure from the job market is showing more and more that universities and higher education institutions will have to adapt to the demands of companies that work and offer jobs to current students and future practitioners. Within this paper, we want to highlight, the possibility for students to learn an SAP course using universities curricula (we describe this content of), part of economic faculty or technical one, part of SAP University Alliances program. This paper wants to cover some aspects regarding connection between job market, society and universities/schools in order to show how teaching principles are integrated with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, furthermore, how we can have utilized the contextual interface, regarding teaching, between SAP, SAP University Alliances and Universities. Our scope for this paper was to describe, discuss and show the teaching plan of development regarding ERP / SAP software application included in University curricula via SAP University Alliances.
SAP UA, ERP, ERP II, ERP III, Enterprise Systems, SAP, SAP Fiori interface, SOA, SaaS, Enabled Learning Organizations, Curriculum, Business Process, SAP University Alliances
A new algorithm for melanomas contour detection based on morphological operators (pp. 41 - 44)
Simona Moldovanu*, Felicia-AniÛoara Damian**, Luminița Moraru**
* Faculty of Control Systems, Computers, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Gala?i , Romania (e-mail: simona.moldovanu at ugal.ro)
** Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati,
Gala?i, Romania (e-mail:damianfelicia at yahoo.com, luminita.moraru at ugal.ro)
This study proposes an algorithm for skin lesion or melanomas contour detection using morphological operators. The algorithm contains image processing steps such as binarization, morphological operators and segmentation based on active contours as well-established segmentation method and a new method based on morphological operations. The morphological operators use various structuring elements and arithmetic operations to process the images based on the shape and to produce erosion and dilatation in order to obtain effective reliable results for border detection of the melanomas. The results provided by the proposed segmentation method were compared with those of a well-established segmentation method, so called the active contour method. The efficacy of the proposed segmentation method was assessed based on the boundary precision and its performance based on run time.
morphological operators, active contour method, runtime, boundary precision.