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Year 2009 Volume 6(33) no. 1
Distributed System for Industrial Simulation (pp. 1-5)
Lucian-Florentin Bărbulescu, Marin Lungu, Dan-Ovidiu Andrei
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, Computer Science Department
Abstract: The development of the industry in the last 100 years brought the increase of production in most of the domains. In our days the hard work is performed by equipment that are only supervised by the humans. The most important thing today is to teach the humans how to use the existing machines and this can be done by using simulators. The current paper presents the high-level description of a simulation framework. This framework can be used as a base for development of simulators specific for the industrial processes.
Keywords: Simulation, Distributed System, Java, TCP-IP, Industrial equipment.
Online System for Graduates Situation(pp. 6-11)
Costea Claudiu
Department of Electrical Drives and Automation,
University of Oradea, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ,
Universităţii No.1 , 410087 Oradea , Romania
Abstract:This project gives us a very good example of the advantages of using php and also it can be used like a school site. Using this site, the teachers from university can be informed about graduates work.
Keywords: Php, Mysql, Databases, Site, Apache.
Some Optimization Algorithms of Defined Structures for Distributed Applications(pp. 12-16)
Eugen Dumitrascu
Computer and Communication Engineering Department, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, Bvd. Decebal, Nr. 107, 200440, Craiova, Dolj, Romania
Abstract: It presents the basic aspects of distributed applications: definition, features and importance. It presents three types of structures defined optimization for distributed applications: optimizing at developer side, optimizing at user side and optimizing at host side.
Keywords: Distributed Applications, Optimization Criteria.
How is Influenced McCabe Complexity by the Increasing of Correctness Level(pp.17-22)
Nicolae Enescu, Dan Mancas, Gheorghe Marian, Eugen Dumitrascu, Augustin Ionescu
Computer and Communication Engineering Department
Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics
Bvd. Decebal, Nr. 107, 200440, Craiova, Dolj, ROMANIA
Abstract: The scope of our research is finding a correlation between the correctness indicator and the McCabe complexity indicator for software programs. For this, the correctness and McCabe complexity indicators will be calculated for a simple program, written in C programming language. The computations will be made for each program version obtained by correcting different error type found in the testing process. Will be observed there is a closed correlation between correctness and McCabe complexity in the way that for an increasing of the correctness level there will also be a significant increase of the complexity level.
Keywords: Testing, Correctness, Complexity, Cyclomatic, McCabe, Correlation.
The Image Processing and Semantic Interpretation of Information Extracted for an Independent Domain (pp.23-29)
Eugen Ganea, Marius Brezovan
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics,
Software Engineering Department
This paper presents a new method for semantic image interpretation considering the information extracted from the image through the segmentation process. We constructed image ontology for describing the image contents from the independent domain. The instances of the ontology together with the objects, corresponding to the low level features extracted from the images, are stored in an object oriented database. The object oriented native query system is used for the interpretation of the images from the database. Our technique, which combines the visual feature descriptors, has a good time complexity and the experimental results on the image datasets show that the performance of the method is robust. The experiments showed that the interpretation can be conducted with good results regardless of the area from where the images come.
Keywords: image segmentation, semantic interpretation, image ontology, objects oriented databases.
Virtual Instrument for ECG Signals Generationand Filtering (pp.30-35)
Gabriel Găspăresc
Department of Measurements and Optical Electronics, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara,
Bd V. Parvan nr 2, 300223 Timisoara, Romania
This paper describes an implementation method of a virtual instrument for ECG signal generation, using biomedical signals previous acquired, and ECG signal filtering using a passband filter for ECG spectral band and a notch filter, both necessary because of biological and artificial sources of electromagnetic disturbances which had a negative influence on biomedical signals acquired. The hardware component is a data acquisition board and the software component includes a graphical user interface (GUI).
Keywords: Virtual instrument, biomedical signals, notch filter, electromagnetic disturbances, data acquisition board.
AC Electric Rail Transports Using cosf=1 Converters (pp.36-40)
Gută Nicolita
National College “Fratii Buzesti”, 5, B-dul Stirbei Voda, Craiova
The modern power electronic devices allowed solving most of the problems in the electric rail transports. That paper presents aspects concerning that important branch of the rail transport and a way to supply these vehicles in the conditions of low energy consumption, of equipment and network protection, of steady and proper functioning of the equipment. The electronic equipment presented is a converter with cos? =1 designed to supply the traction vehicle auxiliary services.
Electric rail traction, Power factor, Power devices, Converters.
Compensating the Reactive Power with Active Filters (pp.41-46)
Gută Nicolita
National College “Fratii Buzesti”, 5, B-dul Stirbei Voda, Craiova
The paper presents the possibilities of improving the energy feeding quality using active filters, based on modern power devices. They are highlighted the actual methods to synthesize the parameters of the load, to simulate its behavior and to design a compensator that reacts efficiently, in real time, to the variation of the parameters in the power system. The chosen analyze method is the time domain method, fast and efficient. The quality of the energy in the distribution networks is an important problem. The modern equipment designed to compensate the losses is relied on the performance electronic devices that have the appropriate characteristics.
Power factor, Harmonics, Reactive energy, Compensation.
Design and Implementation of Web-Based Image Retrieval System(pp.47-52)
Anca Loredana Ion
Department of Software Engineering
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics
In this paper, it is recommended the 4 tiers architecture for realizing a content-based visual retrieval system in medical images databases. In practical applications of content-based image retrieval - CBIR, it is desirable that client interface, database management system and image processing module to be executed on different stations. Since CBIR systems are best characterized by retrieval performance and speed, client-server architecture seems the most efficient and flexible module for a stalwart, portable and extensible CBIR system implementation. The colour information is extracted using the colour histograms, the colour regions are detected by applying the colour-set back projection algorithm and the texture features are computed by using two methods: co-occurrences matrices and Gabor filters. This study is a result of the requirements of the medical domain that in the last years produces a big number of images that need to be managed and used for improving the medical process.
Multimedia, Image Processing, Medical Applications, Image Segmentation.
Continue Data Quality Assurance(pp.53-58)
Augustin-Iulian Ionescu, Eugen Dumitrascu
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics,
Computer Science Department
This paper explores ways to qualify data control and measures to support the governance program. We will also examine how data management practitioners can define metrics that are relevant to the achievement of business objectives. For this, each organization must look at the characteristics of relevant data quality metrics, and then provide a process for characterizing business impacts in association with specific data quality issues. The next step is providing a framework for defining measurement processes in a way that reflects the business value of high quality data in a quantifiable manner. Some specific problems are highlighted.
Database, Data Quality, Metrics, Scorecard.
Numerical Engineering Software - A New Tool for the Computer Assisted Numerical Calculus (pp.59-64)
Romulus Militaru *, Liviu Adrian Călin **,
George-Cristian Călugăru ***, Adrian Georgescu ****
*Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Craiova, Romania
** Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Craiova, Romania
*** Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova, Romania
****Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova, Romania.
Numerical Engineering Software is a new integrated solution conceived for the computer assisted numerical calculus. The basis of the program consists of the flexibility of precision and ease of calculation. Each method benefits from a dedicated window of application. The present version is composed of five chapters containing numerical methods for matrix algebra, interpolation and polynomial approximations, locating roots of equations, numerical integration and Cauchy problems. Each method selected and implemented in the program takes into account all the possible particular cases and has an optimal cost of computation.
Keywords: linear systems, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, interpolation, numerical integration, Cauchy problems, mathematical software.
New Approaches in Distributed Learning Environments(pp.65-69)
Adrian Neatu, Dan Tusaliu, Dan Mancas
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics,
Computer and Communications Engineering Department
During the past few years, numerous attempts were made to implement new methods of education. The change, starting from the traditional way of educational platforms and conceiving various distance learning and e-Learning concepts and tools, was possible due to the advances achieved in the fields of telecommunication and computer technologies. The convergence of the two above mentioned imposes e-Learning as one of the fastest moving trends in higher education. The common implementation for these new trends is represented by some sort of virtual university. The authors were deeply involved in an international co-operation materialized in an EU Project, “ViReC e-Initiative” run within MINERVA scheme. The project proposed and implemented a slightly different idea, that of a virtual resource centre, but based on the accumulated experience, and benefiting from the new technologies available nowadays, such as service oriented architectures, grid technologies, web services, AJAX, etc, those ideas may be refined and a new model proposed.
e-Learning, virtual university, web services, service oriented architecture, grid.
Using Backtracking for the Generation of a Faculty Schedule (pp. 70-75)
Ileana-Diana Nicolae , Eugen Ganea, Marian-Stefan Nicolae
Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Automation, Comp. Science and Electronics
University of Craiova
This paper presents an original algorithm (based on the backtracking technique) for the determination of a faculty schedule. A database made in SQL was conceived for the storing of the “static” data (it gathers information on the study formations, disciplines, professors etc.). An original Java project handles the data from this database and generates the schedules for professors, study formations, classrooms and laboratories in a backtracking manner. Restrictions can be imposed (referring to interdictions on scheduling any of the involved entities for specified time intervals) .
Algorithms, Scheduling, Object Oriented Programming.
CPICH Channel Measurements (pp. 76-81)
Sorin Popa, Nicolae Draghiciu
Department of Electronics,
University of Oradea, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,
Universitatii No.1, 410087 Oradea, Romania
Second generation systems like GSM were originally designed for efficient delivery of voice service. UMTS networks are, on the contrary, designed from the beginning for flexible delivery of any type of service, where each new service does not require particular network optimization. In addition to the flexibility, the WCDMA radio solution brings advanced capabilities that enable new services.
Handover, cpich channel, UTRAN, intra-mode handover, inter-mode handover.
A Distributed Communication System Used for Self
Reconfiguring Robotic System (pp. 82-88)
Mihai-George Raducu*, Mircea Nitulescu**
*Hella Electronics Romania Craiova
** Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova
In the context of the self reconfiguring robots, where which module of the system is considered to be a simple agent, the following simple definition can be given to process of communication: the communication represents the transfer of information between one agent of the robotic system and at least one other agent from the same system.
Self Reconfiguring Robot, Communication, Transceiver, Microcontroller.
A New Method for Electrical Characterization of Interconnection Structures (pp. 89-94)
Marius Rangu*, Paul Svasta**
*”Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania, Electronics and Telecommunications
**”Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania, Center for Electronic Technologies and Interconnection Techniques (email: paul.svasta@cetti.ro)
When designing high speed electronic circuits, the perturbative effects of the interconnection structure parasitic elements must be kept under control, and an essential role in this process is played by signal integrity analysis software. This paper presents an original method for electrical characterization of the interconnection structures aimed for this kind of applications, based on the statistical correction of analytical approximations and capable of improving the accuracy of those with an order of magnitude, using a minimum of computational resources.
Printed circuit board, Electrical characterization, Signal integrity, High speed, Statistically enhanced analytical, Parasitic extraction.
Electromagnetic Torque Determination for a Two-Phase Asynchronous Motor under Different Commands (pp. 95-99)
Helga Silaghi
Electrical Drives and Automatics Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
University of Oradea , Universitatii No.1, 410087 Oradea, Romania
This paper presents the simplified model for a two-phase asynchronous motor and the errors that can appear in electromagnetic torque determination. The value of the correction coefficient depends on the two-phase asynchronous motor parameters.
Electromagnetic torque, asynchronous two-phase motor, mathematical model, relative errors, frequency command.
Overview of Current WEB Mining Algorithms(pp. 100-105)
Gabriel Toma-Tumbar
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics
Computer Engineering And Communications Department
The Web has become a huge repository of information and keeps growing exponentially under no editorial control, while the human capability to find, read and understand content remains constant. Providing people with access to information is not the problem; the problem is that people with varying needs and preferences navigate through large Web structures, missing the goal of their inquiry. Web personalization is one of the most promising approaches for alleviating this information overload, providing tailored Web experiences. This paper summarizes the different characteristics of web data, the basic components of web mining and its different types, and their current states of the art. The reason for considering web mining, a separate field from data mining, is explained. The limitations of some of the existing web mining methods and tools are enunciated.
Web mining, Structure mining, Web usage mining, Content mining, Data mining
The Electric Properties for Biological Structures in the Case of Mobile Telephony(pp. 106-111)
Adrian Vârtosu, Ciprian Dughir
Electronics and Telecommunications Faculty of Timisoara .
Bd V. Parvan nr 2, 300223 Timisoara, Romania
Cellular telephony uses a frequency domain ranging between 800 MHz and 2000 MHz with emission powers of 0,6W to 2W. The frequencies used have wavelengths that can be compared to the physical dimensions of the skull and the power emitted by portable phones is quite high, around 0,6W.
SAR – The specific absorption rate, mobile telephony, biological structure.