Seminar științific

Vineri, 24 mai 2019, Sala de Consiliu, ora 12:00 va avea loc prelegerea stiintifica cu titlul: "Optimization problems with applications in kidney transplants, finance and social networks."


Prelegerea va fi sustinuta de conf.dr. Alexandru Popa de la Universitatea din Bucuresti. Sunt invitati sa participe atat studentii doctoranzi si masteranzi, cat si profesorii interesati de cercetare pe acest subiect. Doritorii sunt rugati sa se inscrie trimitand un email pe adresa Costin Badica <>.



Alexandru Popa obtained his BSc from the University of Bucharest in2008, then completed a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Bristol, UK, in 2011. Then, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at AaltoUniversity from 2011 to 2013. Between September 2013 and 2015 he was an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Informatics at MasarykUniversity, Brno, Czech Republic. From 2015 to the 2016 he was an Assistant Professor in Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. Currently he is employed as an Associate Professor in the Department of ComputerScience, University of Bucharest and as a Senior Researcher at National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics.

Știri@UCV 15.05.2019